Portfolio of photographer Duncan Madaris Hill

Posts tagged “conservative

CPAC Protest 2012

On Friday in Washington, D.C., around four-hundred protesters gathered outside the Mariott Wardman Park to protest the Conservative Political Action Conference. Most of the protesters were union members, or part of the Occupy D.C. movement. After protesters surrounded the hotel’s rear entrance, riot police used force to deter the crowd and push protesters from the hotel’s property. During the clash, officers used batons and shields on protesters, sparking a chaotic scuffle. One woman was arrested for assault on a police officer by the end of the clash. Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum have all spoken at this year’s CPAC. The three day conference ends Feb. 11th, after a keynote speech from Sarah Palin.

Police clash with protesters

Conservative columnist Andrew Breitbart, reacts to protesters outside.

Occupy CPAC protesters confronted by conference attendees.

Living Wage

A conference goer argues with protesters.

Police watch over the crowd from a distance.